Issue Overview
For our December conversation we are welcoming Norman Yakeleya, Michelle Wright and Lisa Roper to be discussion leaders on the innovative rural mindset. We hope to explore the impact that the landscape, the community and time has on rural innovation and how that might be different compared to more populated areas.In our upcoming Thought Exchange, we hope to learn from innovators in the field and answer some of the following questions:
- How does the landscape affect the mindset of a rural innovator?
- How does time affect the rural innovator?
- How does community affect the rural innovator?
- Is there a difference between rural innovators and remote innovators?
- What resources and supports are most useful for rural innovators?
Enhancing Rural Innovation in Canada
Seeding Rural Innovation
Lisa Roper Outdoors
The Morning Bell Brings the Broken Hearted: A Novel - Jennifer Manuel
The Serviceberry - Robin Wall Kimmerer
Preparing for a World that Doesn't Exist - Yet - Rick Smyre & Neil Richardson
Change or Die - Alan Deutschman
Asset Based Community Development
Seeding Rural Innovation
Lisa Roper Outdoors
The Morning Bell Brings the Broken Hearted: A Novel - Jennifer Manuel
The Serviceberry - Robin Wall Kimmerer
Preparing for a World that Doesn't Exist - Yet - Rick Smyre & Neil Richardson
Change or Die - Alan Deutschman
Asset Based Community Development